- CUMULUSRADIOSTATION GROUP’S“POPMUSICWITH2CHAINZINLASVEGAS”NATIONWIDECONTESTOFFICIALRULESA complete copy of these rules can be obtained at the offices ofany of the participating radio stations set forth below(individually a “Station”andcollectively, the“Stations”),ownedoroperated byCumulus MediaNewHoldingsInc.(“Sponsor”)orone of its subsidiariesduring normal business hours Monday through Friday,or by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope toSponsor attheaddressbelow.Sponsorwill conductCumulus RadioStation Group’s“POPMUSICWITH2CHAINZINLASVEGAS”NationwideContest(the “Contest”or“Nationwide Contest”) substantially as described in these rules, and by participating, eachparticipant agreesas follows:1.NOPURCHASE ISNECESSARYTO ENTER ORWIN.APURCHASEWILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF WINNING.VOID WHEREPROHIBITED.ALL FEDERAL,STATE,AND LOCAL REGULATIONS APPLY.2.Eligibility.ThisNationwideContestis openonly tolegal U.S. residentswhoare age21or olderatthetime of entrywith a validSocialSecurity numberwho residesin theDesignated Market Area (“DMA,”as defined by Nielsen) of aParticipatingStation,as listedbelow.A complete list of all ParticipatingStations can be foundat the end ofthese ContestRules.EmployeesoftheParticipatingStations, Sponsor,itsparent company, affiliates, subsidiaries, promotional sponsors, prize providers, advertising agencies, other radiostations servingaStation’sDMA, and the immediatefamily members and household membersof allsuch employees arenoteligible toparticipate. The term “immediate family members” includes spouses, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and childrenand stepchildren.The term “household members” refersto peoplewhoshare the same residence at leastthree (3) months out of theyear. TheNationwideContestis subject to all applicable federal,state,and local laws and regulations. Participation constitutesentrant’s fulland unconditional agreement to these OfficialRules andSponsor’sdecisions, whichare final and binding in all mattersrelated to theNationwideContest. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.3.Contest Period.The Nationwide Contest will begin at12:01a.m.,ETonFebruary 21,2022and willrun through11:59p.m.,ET onMarch 4,2022(the “Contest Period”). The Sponsor’s computer is the official time keeping device for this Nationwide Contest.4.How toEnter.Listento a Participating Station, as listedat the bottomof these Contest Rules,weekdaysduring the Contest Period.EachParticipating Station will announcethenewSecretKeywordeachweekdaya minimum ofthree (3)times, once between 6:00a.m.and 10:00a.m.,once between10:00a.m. and3:00p.m.,andonce between3:00p.m. and6:00p.m.,local time where aParticipating Station is physically located(each a“Contest Round”). Then:(i)Text Entry Method.Send atext message to short code95819withtheSecretKeywordcorrectly spelledbefore midnightlocaltime that day;OR(ii)Free Alternate Method of Entry.To enterthe Contest without sending a text message during the ContestPeriod, visitthewebsitehttps://digitalivy.com/1PKSEWand fully complete the Entry Form by (a)providingtheSecret Keywordspelledcorrectly(b) including a telephone number (cell phone or landline), includingarea code,(c) email, (d)city, state, and zip code,and (e)date of birth. You must successfullysubmittheSecret Keyword(s) correctly spelled and yourcomplete andaccurateregistration informationbefore midnight local time that daytoreceive avalid entry.All entriesmust be received by11:59p.m.,ET onMarch 4,2022, to be eligibleto win.You can enter this Contest morethanonce.Standardtext messagingrates, as established by anindividual’s wireless carrier may apply, and Sponsor assumesnoresponsibility for anyfees or charges incurred for andassociated with any text message senttoor fromSponsor.Byentering the Nationwide Contestusing the texting entry method, you consent to the receipt of a bounce-back confirmationtext. Any andallfees arising out of thetransmission of a text messageshallbe the sole responsibility of the entrant.Multiple participantsare not permitted toshare the sametelephone number. Any attempt by any participant to submit additionalentries by usingmultiple/different/alternatetelephone phone numbers, identities,or any other method will void that participantfrom furtherparticipation in the NationwideContest.Useof any automated systemto participate is prohibitedand will result indisqualification.Sponsor is not responsible forlost, late, incomplete,invalid, unintelligible,inappropriate,or misdirected entries,all of which will be disqualified.In theevent of a dispute as to anyentry, the authorized account holder of the telephone numberusedto register will bedeemed tobethe participant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural personassigned the telephonenumber by the wireless carrier.Potential winner may be required to show proof of being the authorized accountholder. Allentriesbecome the sole andexclusiveproperty of Sponsor andwill not be returned.No mail-in entries willbe accepted.TEXTINGIN THEENTRYWILL NOTIMPROVE APARTICIPANT’S CHANCES OF WINNING.LIMIT ONE(1)ENTRY PER PERSON PERCONTESTROUND,REGARDLESSOF THE METHOD OF ENTRYCHOSEN BY ALISTENER.EACHCONTESTROUNDOF THECONTEST,LISTENERS MAYEITHER(I)TEXT IN AN ENTRY INTO USING A MOBILE DEVICEOR(II)ENTERONLINE,BUT NOT BOTH METHODS.5.Winner Selection.OnMarch7,2022,Sponsor will selectone (1)entryfor theGrand Prize(as defined below)in a randomdrawing from amongall valid entriesreceived from all Participating Stations, as listed at thebottom ofthese ContestRules, during theContest.The winning entrantwill be contacted using the telephone number or email address used to submit the entryand may beawarded the prize (subjectto verification of eligibilityand compliance with the terms ofthese rules). Sponsor’s decisions as to theadministration and operation of the Nationwide Contest and the selection of the potential winnerare final andbinding inall matters
2related to the Contest. Failureto respond tothe initial verification contactwithintwenty-four (24)hours of notification will result indisqualification.6.Verification of Potential Winner.THE ELIGIBILITY OF ALLPOTENTIALCONTESTWINNERSISSUBJECT TOVERIFICATION BYSPONSOR,WHOSE DECISIONS ARE FINAL ANDBINDING IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THENATIONWIDECONTEST. The potential winner must continue to complywith all terms and conditions of these OfficialRules, andwinning is contingent uponfulfilling all requirements. Thepotential winner will benotifiedby telephone call afterthe dateoftherandom drawing. The potential winnerwillbe required to sign and return toSponsor,within three(3) days ofthe date noticeis sent, anaffidavit of eligibility and a liability/publicityrelease (except where prohibited) in ordertoclaimhis/herprize, ifapplicable.A winnerwho returnsthe affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity releasewithin the required time period will bedeemed to have accepted theprize and thereafter will not be permitted to rescind their acceptance ofthe prize and/or return theprize.If a potential winnercannot becontacted,fails to sign and return the affidavit of eligibility and/or the liability/publicity release within the required time period (ifapplicable), orif theprize or prize notification is returned asundeliverable, potential winner forfeitsprize. In the eventthat the potentialwinner of aContestprize isdisqualified for any reason,Sponsormay award the applicable prize toan alternate winner by randomdrawing from among allremaining eligibleentries.7.Prizes.One (1) Grand Prize will be awarded in thisNationwide Contest.TheGrand Prize consists ofroundtrip airtransportationfortwo(2)peoplefrom winner’s home airport toLas Vegas,Nevada;two(2)nights hotel stayfortwo(2)people(single room,doubleoccupancy,room& tax only)intheLas Vegas,Nevadaareaat a hotel selected by Prize Provider;dinner for two (2) people at arestaurantselected by Prize Provider;andthe opportunity tohavea photographtaken with 2 Chainz.ARV ofthe Grand PrizeisThreeThousandFive HundredDollars ($3,500).For entry tothe prize event, each event attendee may be required to show valid proof offullvaccination against theCOVID-19virusand/or valid proof of a negative test for the COVID-19 virus within 72 hours (or such other time as the event organizersrequire) prior tothe event.Winner is responsible forall taxes associated with prize receipt and/or use. Odds of winning a prize depend on a number of factorsincluding the number of eligible entries received duringthe Contest Period and listeners participating at any given time.There is no substitution,transfer, or cash equivalent for prizes, except that the Stationmay, in its sole discretion and to the extentpermitted by law, substitute prizes of comparable value or cash. The prizes are expressly limited to the item(s) listed above and do notincludetaxes,gratuities,or any other expenses. Any tickets and/or giftcertificates/cards awarded as part of a prize will be subject to theterms and conditions set forthby the issuer and are valid onlyon the date(s) printed on the tickets or gift certificates/cards. Otherrestrictions may apply.Should thewinner be unable to travel forany reason,winner immediately forfeits the Grand Prize and at that time, Sponsormay selectan alternatewinner in its sole and exclusivediscretion and in compliance with these Contest Rules.Trip must be takenMarch 25ththrough27th, 2022.Winner andguestsmust travelon the same itinerary.Winner’s guestsmust beeighteen (18) years ofage or older.GrandPrize is non-transferableand no substitution will be made except as provided herein intheSponsor’ssole discretion.Ifwinner elects to partakein any or allportions ofwinner’sGrandPrize with noguest, theGrand Prize willbe awarded towinnerand any remainder oftheGrand Prize will be forfeited and shall not be subject to further or alternativecompensation. All elements of theGrandPrizemust be redeemed atthe same time, and no changes will be permittedafter confirmationofany redemption.If any prize or aportion of any prize is postponed, cancelled, or otherwise unavailable dueto disease, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine,any acts ofgovernment and/or any reason that is beyondthe control of Station orany Sponsor, then nosubstitution shall be provided.Station and any Sponsors make no representation or warranty about the safetyof any prize. By accepting and using a prize, each winneracknowledgesand assumes all risks of accepting and using the prize,and any other risksassociated withthe prize.8.Entry Conditions and Release.By entering,each participant agreesto: (a) complywith andbe bound bythese Official Rules andthedecisions of theSponsor,which are binding and final in all matters relating to thisNationwideContest;(b) release and holdharmless Sponsor, Cumulus MediaNew Holdings,Inc.,and itssubsidiaries, andaffiliated companies,participating sponsors,theprizesuppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling,administering, advertising orpromoting theNationwideContest, and each of theirrespective pastand present officers, directors,employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the“ReleasedParties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses,and liability,includingbut not limited to negligence and damages ofany kind to persons and property, includingbut not limited toinvasion ofprivacy (under appropriation,intrusion, public disclosure ofprivate facts, false light in the publiceye or other legal theory), defamation,slander, libel, violation of right of publicity, infringementof trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage,or death or personalinjury arising out of or relating to aparticipant’sentry, creation of anentry or submission of an entry, participation in theContest, acceptance or use ormisuse of prize(includingany travel or activity related thereto) and/or thebroadcast, exploitationor use of entry; and (c)indemnify, defend and holdharmless the ReleasedParties fromand against any andall claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees)arising out of orrelating to an entrant’s participation in theContestand/or entrant’s acceptance, use, non-use or misuse of the prize.9.Publicity.Except where prohibitedby law, participation in theContestconstitutes winner’s consent toSponsor’sand itsagents’use of winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice,opinionsand/or hometown and state for promotional purposesin any media,worldwide, without further payment or consideration.
310.Taxes.Allstate,local,federal and or othertaxes, duties,tariffs, title fees,licensing fees, or other feesforprizes awardedbecomethe sole responsibility of the winner. All those whowin a prize orprizes valued $600 or more in anygiven year will be issued an IRSForm 1099 to report their winnings.Theactual retail value ofthe prize will be reportedontheIRS Form 1099,whichmay differ fromthe above stated ARV.11.GeneralConditions.Sponsorreserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify theContest, or anypart of it,if any fraud,technical failuresorany other factor beyond Sponsor’sreasonable control impairstheintegrity or proper functioning of theContest, asdetermined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsorreserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds tobetampering with the entry process or theoperation of theContestor to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any otherpromotion or inan unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by anyperson to deliberately undermine the legitimateoperation oftheContestmay be a violation ofcriminal and civillaw, and, shouldsuch anattempt be made, Sponsorreserves the righttoseek damages from any such personto the fullestextent permitted bylaw. Sponsor’sfailure toenforce any term of these OfficialRules shall not constitute awaiverof that provision.12.Limitations of Liability.The Released Parties arenot responsible for: (1) anyincorrect or inaccurate information, whether causedby entrants, printingerrors or by anyof the equipmentor programming associated with or utilizedin theContest;(2)technical failuresof any kind, including but not limited tomalfunctions,interruptions, ordisconnections inphone lines or network hardware orsoftware;(3)unauthorized human interventionin any part ofthe entry process or theContest;(4) technical or human error which may occurinthe administration oftheContestor the processingof entries; or(5) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused,directly or indirectly,in whole or in part, from entrant’sparticipation in theContestorreceipt or use, non-useor misuse of any prize.Nomorethan the stated number of prizes willbe awarded.In event thataproduction, technical, programming or othererrorcausesmore thanstated number of prizes as set forth inthese Official Rules tobeclaimed, Sponsorreserves the right to award onlythe statednumber ofprizes bya random drawing among all legitimate, unawarded, eligibleprize claims.13.Changes totheContest orChangesto those Participating Stations.If, forany reason, in the soleopinion of Sponsor, thisContest or anyParticipating Station is not capable of runningas planned by reason of an Act of God,disease, epidemic, pandemic,quarantine, acts of government,infection by computer virus, worms, bugs,tampering, hacking, unauthorized intervention, fraud,technical failures, system overload or anyother causes, whether discovered orsuspected by Sponsor, which, in thesole opinionof theSponsor,does orcould corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity orproper conduct of this Contest, Sponsorreservesthe right, at its sole discretion, tocancel,terminate,modify or suspend this Contest, and/or remove aParticipating Station,and/or provide alternative means of entry or any otherchanges to these contestrules that Sponsor deems appropriate under thecircumstances. In theevent of termination, suspension ormodification of this contest, a notice will be posted online and/orannouncedon-air.14.Disputes.Entrant agrees that: (i) anyand all disputes, claimsand causes of action arising out of or connectedwith thisContest, orany prizes awarded, other than those concerning the administration oftheContestor the determination of thewinner,shall be resolvedindividually, withoutresortto any formofclassaction; (ii) any and all disputes, claims and causes ofaction arising out of or connectedwith thisContest, or any prizes awarded, shallbe resolved exclusively by theUnited States District Court or the appropriateGeorgiaState Court locatedin theCity of Atlanta, Georgia;(iii) any and all claims,judgments and awardsshall belimitedto actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associatedwith entering thisContest, butin no event attorneys’ fees; and (iv)undernocircumstanceswill entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives allrights toclaim punitive, incidentalandconsequential damages and anyother damages, other than foractual out-of-pocket expenses,and any and all rightsto have damagesmultipliedorotherwise increased. SOMEJURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THELIMITATIONS OREXCLUSIONOFLIABILITYFOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THEABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU.All issuesand questions concerning the construction,validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rightsandobligations oftheentrant and Sponsorin connection with theContest, shall be governed by, and construed inaccordance with, the lawsof theState of Georgia, withoutgivingeffect to any choiceoflaw or conflict of law rules (whether of theStateof Georgiaor any otherjurisdiction), whichwould causethe application of the laws of anyjurisdictionother thantheState ofGeorgia.15.Entrant’s Personal Information.Informationcollected fromentrantsis subject to Sponsor’sPrivacy Policy, which isavailableontheStations’ websitesunder the“Privacy Policy” link.All entry blanks, forms, devices, and materials gathered during thecourse ofentry, as well as all informationcontained on orwithin,shall become the sole property ofSponsorto be used, disposed of or destroyedinits sole discretion.Sponsoris not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information entered bytelephoneusers,and assumesnoresponsibilityforany error,omission,interruption, deletion,defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure,theft ordestruction or unauthorized accesstotheStations’websitesand/ortextmessaging service.16.Nationwide Simultaneous Contest.THECONTEST ISONE(1)NATIONWIDECONTEST MADEUP OF MANY PARTICIPATINGSTATIONS,AS OUTLINEDBELOW.SPONSOR IS CONDUCTING THISCONTEST CONCURRENTLYAND SIMULTANEOUSLY ON SEVERAL PARTICIPATINGSTATIONSTHAT ARELOCATED IN VARIOUS STATES AND THOSERESPECTIVE VARIOUS TIMEZONESWHERE A STATION IS LOCATED.17.ContestResults.A winnerslist may be obtainedwithin thirty (30) days aftertheContestPeriod expires by sending a self-addressed stampedenvelopeto the Sponsor identified below.CONTESTSPONSOR:CUMULUS MEDIANEWHOLDINGS INC.,780JOHNSON FERRY RD NE, SUITE 500,ATLANTA, GA30342, Attn:“POPMUSICWITH2CHAINZINLASVEGAS”Contest.PRIZESPROVIDED BY:DefJam